[Priority issue 1]Promote Global Warming Countermeasures : Outline of Activities in FY2015「Global Warming Countermeasures」
Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2016.
CO2 Emissions Reduction Across the Product Lifecycle
In FY2015, despite our Group’s production output exceeding that of the base year, FY2005, the Group’s overall CO2 emissions were reduced by 553 thousand tons (11%) from the base year level, and the medium-term target for FY2016 (a reduction of 10%) was achieved one year earlier. We have maintained a downward transition since FY2011 with a reduction of 5% compared to FY2014. In FY2015, we reduced CO2 in all lifecycle stages including a reduction of 8% compared to FY2014 for procurement in particular. This was due to the contribution of reductions in procured amounts of raw materials (continuous recycling activities of aluminum from used PS plates and promotion of reduction of loss in manufactuing). CO2 emissions in the manufacturing stage were reduced by 2% compared to FY2014 and by 16% compared to the base year (FY2005). Under conditions where the CO2 emissions coefficients of the electric power utilities in Japan increased by 30%, this was achieved by further efforts to improve the energy usage efficiency at our facilities, through promotion of energy-saving measures across the group companies, enhanced utilization of inhouse co-generation systems in Japan, and utilization of renewable energy in overseas sites. In addition, we also made steady improvements from the perspective of environmental efficiency in terms of product value (revenue)/environmental impact, with an improvement of 5% compared to FY2014.
CO2 Emissions across the Entire Product Lifecycle
FY2015 Result of GHG Scope 3 Emissions for Fujifilm Group
Continuous Promotion of Energy Strategy
The Fujifilm Group founded the Global Warming Prevention Committee in FY2007 to promote significant improvements in production energy intensity and CO2 emissions per unit production at six major factories in Japan, as well as the Energy Cost Reduction Project, across the company including overseas companies and factories since FY2010, both of which achieved their targets in FY2012. In FY2013 these energy management schemes were renewed and restarted as the Energy Strategy Promotion Committee, giving them control over energy procurement and supply. In FY2015, we reduced energy use by 3% compared to FY2014. In addition, in part due to the drop in energy unit prices (electricity and fuel), we achieved a significant (18%) reduction in energy costs.
As specific activities for FY2015, we devised energy minimum production plans in collaboration between the operations division and the power division, as well as groupwide activities such as energy-reducing seminars and mutual-inspections and energy-reduction diagnosis, etc. Furthermore, we also embarked on new measures such as the introduction of electricity from new power companies looking toward the separation of generation and transmission of electricity (implemented in April 2016), etc. Moreover, the inhouse co-generation system* that was launched in FY2014 to supply the power generated in the Fujifilm Fujinomiya Factory to sites among our group companies, was additionally expanded to 18 sites in FY2015, simultaneously contributing to alleviating peak demand to the power grid and to reducing energy costs.
* In-house co-generation system: Enforced in Japan following the revision of the Electricity Business Act, in April 2014.
Energy Strategy Promotion Committee
Future Prospects
In FY2016, we plan to further expand energy-saving measures across the Fujifilm Group and revise their manner of operations in order to continuously reduce energyderived CO2 emissions. At the same time, we will re-assess our scenario for achieving the FY2020 targets as well as considering new targets for after FY2020. In addition, we will promote contributions to the prevention of global warning, through comprehensive measures in production processes and offices, from technical endeavors to improve production efficiency, thorough reductions in fixed energy consumed regardless of the amount of production, and sharing of energy-saving measures from each business site across the entire group, followed by group-wide deployment of these measures for expanded effects. Meanwhile, we continue our in-house co-generation system while planning and promoting more measures for new National systems in the future.
Note: The article on this page is taken from Sustainability Report 2016.